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The Game (The Game is Life Book 1), by Terry Schott

PDF Ebook The Game (The Game is Life Book 1), by Terry Schott
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REVISED October 2015
"What if life as we know it was just a game?
What if, instead of traditional schools, children learned by participating in a virtual reality simulation, one that allowed them to experience "life" from birth to death -- multiple times?
What if one player, on his final play, could change the world forever...?"
- Published on: 2013-12-24
- Released on: 2013-12-24
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
97 of 102 people found the following review helpful.
A Very Good Part One
By Chris Padar
First off, I'd like to offer an apology to Mr. Schott. I said some very rude things about you this morning as I finished this first installment. Please understand that it was in the heat of the moment and that I actually have no desire to jab you in the left kidney with a server spike. Also, I'm sure your parents are fine people. Again, it was in the heat of the moment and I'm very sorry.
Now, getting to the actual book, I enjoyed it. It was a free selection over the winter and I am just now getting around to reading it. I've read Head Crash and Ready Player One in the past and felt that this would be similar. It took me a few chapters to get hooked but after that I was engrossed. The characters were fantastic and the story line kept twisting. By the end, I couldn't wait to see how it all turned out. And then it ended. Really? That's the end? You son of...
Sorry. Lost it again for a moment. It's just that there were so many questions left. This "free" book is now going to cost the price of all the sequels and probably other books you write. It was entertaining, I really cared about the characters and was completely lost in both worlds. I'm hooked.
I'm not a grammar Nazi by any means, but you could use a proof reader. There are errors in there that can only be caught be a skilled human. It was a little distracting but I can be a nit-picker at times.
So, I'm off to buy the sequels and see where this goes. The best part about being overloaded on reading material is that I can get Part Two right now. I'm excited to see what happens next. And don't let my server spike reviews on Amazon worry you at all. It was going to be a "gift" for George R. R. Martin.
204 of 221 people found the following review helpful.
Conflicted, yet eager for the second installment
By Savvy Reader
First off, I must state that there were many things about this book that I liked, and I was disappointed to affirm that I may have to wait quite a while for Book Two to come out. In many ways it was a fun read.
But I can't give it more than three or three and a half stars right now because of all the grammar problems, mostly in regards to punctuation. For many people this is not a major concern, and I understand that, but I found the problems so distracting that it took me away from the story constantly. I almost stopped reading thirty pages in because the errors were so consistent and glaring. I don't know if the author needs to brush up on sentence structure rules, or if it's a case of insufficient proof-reading, but it definitely detracts from the quality of the writing.
I would say the majority of sentences on each page are comma splices (sentences only joined by a comma, with no coordinating conjunction), which lends to confusion, especially about the connection between the two thoughts. Again, most people may not care, but it bothered me. The worst, though is the poor use of apostrophes: always using "It's" for possessives, instead of its, and sometimes using 's to indicate plurals. There are also a large number of sentences scattered about that are missing words or containing extra ones, especially verbs, so the reader has to fill in the blanks or figure out what was meant.
The reason this bothers me so much is that in many other ways this book is just great, and I think if it were polished up appropriately, it would rival the work of many more well-known authors .... I think Terry Schott has a great future, but things like this can really make the work appear less professional than it is. On that note, I know that sometimes authors read these comments and edit manuscripts in response -- if I find that has been done at some point I would probably change my rating, because I do like so much about it, and I wouldn't want readers to be put off by a problem that no longer existed.
Now, on to the good aspects: a lot of the concepts raised in this story are not totally new, but are arranged together in a new and original manner. So some of the core "philosophies" are familiar enough to feel comfortable and easy to assimilate, yet the implications of those ideas as presented here feel somewhat novel and intriguing. It's not the Matrix exactly, but it has the same effect in causing the reader to sit back and look at his or her own reality in a new way, even if just for a moment.
I liked all the main characters, even those whom I also want to despise, which can be hard to pull off. The storyline is intriguing, and I felt a genuine jolt of surprise near the very end, plus a ton of questions that I want answered right away! I really am excited to read the next installment and hope it doesn't take too long to get here. I am intrigued to see what happens with a few threads that seem to have been just left dangling so far (the first Sever Stick??? Merely a ploy to introduce the concept, or connected to the later darknesss?), and how they fit into the brief glimpses we get into the behind the scenes action.
I really enjoyed the use of "historical" artifacts to build the fuller concepts of the worlds and to expand perspective; the author alternates between the viewpoints of various characters within and without the Game, but also introduces magazine articles, interview transcripts, and the like. A lot of the time this can be jarring, but I think it works pretty seamlessly here. I was occasionally thrown by the introductions of a brand new voice, but not long enough to be drawn away from the action, and in some ways that was what kept the intrigue going.
In summation, The Game presents a fast-paced, engaging journey into an intriguing world that entertains but also challenges one to think -- I couldn't get wholly absorbed because of the above stated writing errors, but I am glad I stuck with it and am interested to see what happens next.
101 of 112 people found the following review helpful.
Misleading advertisement
By Fred Coulter
Note: Since I published this review, the author has changed the way the book is listed on the Amazon site. He also requested that I add that this review may contain spoilers. So read the rest of the review only if you're not concerned about spoilers. (Although the spoiler is only spoiling the first part of the book.)
The Game is an enjoyable book that violates one of the rules that editors use to not buy science fiction: Earth is a computer simulation. However, even though the novel goes against this rule, it's not at all badly written. Not bad for a self published novel.
However, there is a bit of bait and switch in the advertising for this novel.
There are two types of series in science fiction and fantasy (and probably literature in general). First, the series of related stories. In this type of series, each novel is self contained, but exists in the same universe as other novels and stories. Science fiction examples of this would be Niven's Known Space series or Poul Anderson's Technic Civilization series. If you read one of the books in the series, you'll read an entire story, from beginning to end. If you read all the books in the series, you gain more than just a series of books but some underlying world building. There may be interconnections that add to your enjoyment or civilizational changes that create a meta-story above the individual stories.
The other type of series is a story that doesn't fit into a single book. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings trilogy was (at least partially) a trilogy because of limitations on book construction. It is possible to now buy a copy of Lord of the Rings (which is one story) as a single volume. On the other hand, series like The Wheel of Time is physically impossible, even under current technology, to print and bind as a single volume.
In general, books that are part of the second type of series indicate the fact that they're not a complete story. The Game doesn't, which means that people who read the book will find at the end that they don't have a story, just the beginning of a story. Without that indication in the title or book description, the listing for the book is misleading.
Now, if the book was called "The Game (The Game is Live Vol. 1)", this wouldn't be an issue. But before you buy the book, realize that this is only volume 1 of the series which ends on a cliff-hanger, and you will need to buy more to resolve the story. (It would also be useful if the other books were numbered so you'd know what order to read them in.)
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