Kamis, 30 April 2015

~~ Download Kingdoms of Camelot - Ultimate Strategy Guide, by Colin McNulty

Download Kingdoms of Camelot - Ultimate Strategy Guide, by Colin McNulty

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Kingdoms of Camelot - Ultimate Strategy Guide, by Colin McNulty

Kingdoms of Camelot - Ultimate Strategy Guide, by Colin McNulty

Kingdoms of Camelot - Ultimate Strategy Guide, by Colin McNulty

Download Kingdoms of Camelot - Ultimate Strategy Guide, by Colin McNulty

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Kingdoms of Camelot - Ultimate Strategy Guide, by Colin McNulty

Hints, tips, strategies, secrets (and cheats?!) from close to a year of playing Knights of Camelot: Battle for the North from a #1 rank player in a #1 ranked alliance.

How to play so well your competitors will think you're cheating, whilst spending a fraction (or none!) of the cash top players spend.

Written in an easy access FAQ format, these are the questions you'll find answers to:

- How to grow troops without being food limited
- Which is the best city to make your parking slot?
- Which structures to upgrade to Level 10?
- How to use your best knight's level in more than one place
- Which is better, one L9 barracks or two L1 barracks?
- How many barracks and cottages to have in a city?
- What's the best tax rate?
- When to get your second city?
- What to prioritise when building?
- Which resource buildings to build and when?
- What's a Bank?
- When to come out of beginner's protection?
- How to not get attacked?
- Why do people attack when they have nothing to gain?
- When's the only time you should use speed-ups for building/research?
- Which troops are the best to attack with?
- What's better: cheap, medium, or expensive troops?
- Why do people build lots of militiamen?
- Which wall defences are the best to build?
- What's the fastest way to build Might?
- How to check if someone is hiding their troops before you attack
- How to check if someone is online
- When is the best time to attack someone, to minimise the risk of reinforcements?
- When is the best time to retaliate against your attacker?
- Should you hide your troops or defend your wall?
- How not to get zeroed, even if your cites are levelled and all your walls and troops there are killed
- How to stop someone farming you?
- How to ask someone to stop farming you?
- What's the best way to deal with someone flipping your wilds
- How to get a 212 level knight?
- How many gems to buy?
- How to get gems without buying them?
- How to gain 100+M resources a day, for an hour’s effort
- How to attack 60 people per hour, without losing any troops
- What's the secret to long term success?
- My fall from the #1 spot
- "Hmmm, Upgrades!"
- New most money spent winner
- How to Get Your Next City
- What Should Your Next City Do?
- How to Build Your City Fast
- BUG OR CHEAT? The building that gives you a bonus it's not supposed to!

Buy today if you want to leap up the might ranks and pass your friends... and of course your enemies!

  • Sales Rank: #1273578 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-10-20
  • Released on: 2012-10-20
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Don't Really Know if it is Worth The Money
By Brian
Every since I found this game i have been hooked. I have been reading everything that I can find to make myself a better player, most of what is included in the guide can be found on the KaBam forums with no cost. All in all I like having the information located in one spot that doesn't require me to do any forum searching but I am not happy with the fact that the author put out an update and offers no help on his site for buyers to get the update. I have asked a number of times and get the answer you should be able to on the amazon site. He also suggested that I just read his post on the Kabam forums with the updated information. If this was the option that I really wanted I would have never purchased the book in the first place. My suggestion is to save yourself the money and read a few of the how-to guide located in the KOC:BFTN new player forum. Find the information and either bookmark it or make a document of you own with the important stuff. At least that way as new cities are released you can just update it yourself and not wait for support that is lacking.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great Guide!
By Craig Cislo
This was a well written guide that, even as an experienced player (top 50 tk, top 25 might gained), I got a lot out of. It is slightly out dated to some of the new features, but the basic strategy and game play tactics still apply. I found the section on farming to be quite useful and it has saved me time and energy in keeping my game efficient. I am satisfied with my purchase.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Not Enough
By Richard
Unfortunately several of the other reviews were correct in my opinion. The information that is provided is OK but there is simply not enough material in the book to justify the price. I should have listened to their opinions. The material available free online is much more detailed and specific. I was hoping for a hard copy to read off line of similar value but it just isn't enough.

See all 6 customer reviews...

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